
TOP event -Lessons from Africa: developing a food upcycling economy


This monthly TOP event is about developing a food upcycling economy - from trash to treasure and not just from trash to cash, presented by TOP experts Evans Iro and Joan Owaka on October 2 https://youtu.be/_ySJ0ZMVuoY

TOP event -Lessons from Africa: developing a food upcycling economy2021-10-19T15:22:43+00:00

“From Digital Trash to Social Gold” documentary


"From Digital Trash to Social Gold" documentary is an award winner at the Vegas Movie Awards in the "Best Inspirational film - Award of Prestige " category, August 2021 edition https://vimeo.com/439997276 Covid-19 required students to learn from home but many did not have access to a computer and the Internet. In March 2020, TOP (Technology Of Peace) movement initiated a pilot in Israel: Companies and individuals are donating computers and additional equipment (monitors, keyboards...) Technical teams from 3 different schools recycled the computers and set up customized Linux distro light enough that old computers with only 1Gb RAM can run [...]

“From Digital Trash to Social Gold” documentary2021-10-10T17:56:43+00:00

Inspiring example by Justus Muraya Graduate of TOP Connectedness & Leadership course


Justus participated to the first Connectedness & Leadership Course in February-July 2017 and first learned about becoming a prosumer and building a green wall.This is an inspiring example of what people can do, when focusing on their own resources and Tapping their Own Potential.How Mathioya vegetable farmer cashes in on tea bonusArticle in "Business Daily", Oct 16, 2017 https://www.slideshare.net/justusmuraya/how-to-make-green-wall

Inspiring example by Justus Muraya Graduate of TOP Connectedness & Leadership course2021-05-09T14:28:53+00:00

From digital waste to social gold


Preambule Due to Covid-19, schools and universities all over the world closed for an indefinite lapse of time.It required students to learn from home except that it was not possible for those who did not have access to a computer and the Internet.On the other hand, many computers are put aside, not being used.Almost any computer can be “recycled” as long as it has more than 1 Gb RAM. Activities such as Zoom, writing, coding or surfing the Internet are feasible. Summary In April 2020, TOP Global initiated a 5 month pilot action in Israel where: Companies and individuals are donating [...]

From digital waste to social gold2020-07-10T12:00:00+00:00

Certification ceremony – November 2018 2nd Edition of the “Connectedness & Leadership Course”


TOP Kenya continues to organize certification ceremonies for the 2nd Edition of the "Connectedness & Leadership" Course. This time it took place on 13 November, 2018 at 10 am at the Karura Forest Primary School, NairobiFrom the look of things, it appeared that the room was full of trash and to some extent some were even smelling ! When Evans, a graduate of the 2nd Connectedness and Leadership Training (option food security) that took place in February 2018, took to the podium, the mixtures charcoal, rotting avocado, olive oil, banana peels etc was suddenly transformed in shoe polish. TOP Kenya Founder [...]

Certification ceremony – November 2018 2nd Edition of the “Connectedness & Leadership Course”2018-11-10T10:52:00+00:00
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