TOP Kenya continues to organize certification ceremonies for the 2nd Edition of the “Connectedness & Leadership” Course.

This time it took place on 13 November, 2018 at 10 am at the Karura Forest Primary School, Nairobi
From the look of things, it appeared that the room was full of trash and to some extent some were even smelling !

When Evans, a graduate of the 2nd Connectedness and Leadership Training (option food security) that took place in February 2018, took to the podium, the mixtures charcoal, rotting avocado, olive oil, banana peels etc was suddenly transformed in shoe polish.

TOP Kenya Founder members present found themselves polishing their shoes to amazement of all. The theory of “recycling” of food became a live to all and before long participants were offering suggestions and challenges to Evans to implement.

Karura Forest Primary School pupils are the first target group, and with a population of over 400, they are bound to benefit from Evans innovation with effect from January 2019. The street shoe shinners, will soon experiment with this product as Evans venture out.

Equally pointed out to the participants that avocado seed is very rich in iron, calcium, and magnesium which human bodies are on high demand. Cutting the seeds and making it part of the food ingredients or breaking it into smaller pieces then grinding in powder and used to make porridge were some of the ways identified in upcycling of avocado which is easily available in this country.

The presentations were crowned with Samuel’s Documentary on making of the vertical garden. Once again the room became ” alive” with everyone having something to say and challenge. Christine from KEMI could not hide her satisfaction that with TOP Kenya graduates the dream of the Ministry of Education to roll out ESD in schools in Kenya can be realized. The school headteachrs and principals present booked appointed with Samuel to visit their institutions next year to train the learners on Greenwall garden and help them in coming up documentary to tell their stories.