What We Do

Every person has abilities, talents, intellect, and inner strength. We use mindset shift training to help people rediscover these abilities and to rediscover themselves. We encourage our participants to turn their obstacles into challenges that they can overcome and to which they can find new solutions. We give them the key to their own capabilites and open their minds to the power they already held within themselves.

We help those re-learning their own talents and harnessing their abilities to create solutions to become leaders in their communities. We’ve led “Connectedness and Leadership” courses for entrepreneurs looking to combine Education for Sustainable Development, open source technology, and permaculture. Our six additional founding NGOs assisted us in these trainings: RODI, YARD, Shophar, ELIMU TV, SCOPE, and KWEN.


  • The well-being of all humans and life, including the plants we work with and the animals and environment that will be affected by our work
  • Self-empowerment to tackle any challenge
  • Open knowledge-sharing so others may learn and use the solutions previously created
  • Sustainable development so communities can continue to grow and flourish once our training is over
  • Ethically-created and sustained ecosystems of production and consumption both at the local and international levels


  • The technology we use and develop works to:
  • Create and build capacities for the user, people, and society to become independent
  • Improve quality of life and create a healthier environment
  • Answer a challenge recognized by the people and solve it with them


We work to include a holistic understanding of education in our methodology, including a focus on how we utilize our head, our hearts, and our hands in all that we do. We work to empower the communities and give them everything they need to begin their own work in sustainable development.


Before beginning each sustainability project, we test and do what we can to improve the soil we will work with. Using various fertilizers and water, we improve the quality of the soil and take measurements, monitoring its progress and the output of each sustainable garden as a result.


Waste is one of the largest issues that our environment faces. Our goal is to eliminate waste by turning trash into treasure. One way we can do this is to use old bottles and containers and transform them in vertical garden walls to support sustainable food growth for the community.